google-authenticator | | One-time password generator and PAM module from Google |
gpa | | GUI frontend to gnupg |
gpg2dot | | Converts your GnuPG keyring to a graph of associations |
gpgme | | GnuPG Made Easy |
gpgmepp | | C++ bindings/wrapper for gpgme |
gpshell | | Shell to manage the contents of GlobalPlatform smart cards |
gsasl | | GNU implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer |
gss | | GNU Generic Security Service Library |
hackbot | | Vulnerability scanner written in Perl |
hashcash | | Hash collision based postage stamp |
heimdal | | Kerberos 5 implementation |
heirloom-su | | Collection of standard Unix utilities (su) |
HElib | | Homeomorphic Encryption library |
hitch | | High performance SSL/TLS proxy |
honeyd | | Small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network |
honeyd-arpd | | ARP daemon for honeyd |
hs-cryptohash-sha256 | | Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation |
hs-cryptonite | | Cryptography Primitives sink |
hs-digest | | Various cryptographic hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32 |
hs-ed25519 | | Ed25519 cryptographic signatures |
hs-hackage-security | | Hackage security library |
hs-pem | | Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer |
hs-SHA | | Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions |
hs-tls | | TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client) |
hs-x509 | | X509 reader and writer |
hs-x509-store | | X.509 collection accessing and storing methods |
hs-x509-system | | Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage |
hs-x509-validation | | X.509 Certificate and CRL validation |
hydan | | Steganography tool for covert comms, signing and watermarking |
hydra | | Login password cracker |
ike-scan | | Fingerprinting IKE implementation |
ipv6-toolkit | | IPv6 security assessment and troubleshooting tool |
john | | Unix Password Cracker |
kauth | | Abstraction to system policy and authentication features |
kdesu | | Integration with su for elevated privileges |
KeePass | | Free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager |
keepassxc | | Password generator and manager |
keychain | | Nice ssh-agent front-end |
kgpg | | KDE encryption tool |
knc | | Kerberised NetCat |
kpcli | | Command line interface to KeePass password safes |
kstart | | Kerberos v5 kinit daemon that uses keytabs |
kwallet | | Secure and unified container for user passwords |
kwalletmanager | | KDE wallet manager |
lasso | | Liberty Alliance Single Sign On implementation |
lastpass-cli | | Command line interface to |
libassuan2 | | IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages |
libb2 | | C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp |
libbf | | Blowfish block cipher library |
libcrack | | Password checking library |
libcurvecpr | | Uses elliptic-curve cryptography to encrypt and authenticate data |
libdecaf | | Implementation of Ed448-Goldilocks elliptic curve for cryptography |
libdes | | Small DES (Data Encryption Standard) lib & standalone program |
libfido2 | | U2F/FIDO/FIDO2 library and tools |
libfprint | | Fingerprint reader access library |
libfwbuilder | | Firewall Builder API |
libgabe | | Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption library |
libgcrypt | | GNU cryptographic library |
libgfshare | | Library to implement Shamir's secret sharing scheme |
libglobalplatform | | C library for managing GlobalPlatform smart card contents |
libgnome-keyring | | GNOME password and secret manager |
libgpg-error | | Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components |
libidea | | IDEA block cipher library |
libident | | Small library to interface to the ident protocol server (rfc1413) |
libksba | | X.509 library |
libmcrypt | | Crypto algorithms library |
libmerkletree | | Calculate and verify Merkle tree digests |
libmultigest | | Multiple, concatenated digest value calculation library |
libnetpgpverify | | PGP and ssh signature verification library |
liboauth | | Embeddable oauth 1.0 implementation |
libp11 | | Convenience library for easy PKCS#11 implementation |
libpbc | | Pair-based cryptographic library based on Gap Diffie Helman groups |
libprelude | | LibPrelude libraries and c++ easy bindings |
libprelude-lua | | Lua bindings to LibPrelude |
libprelude-perl | | Perl bindings to LibPrelude |
libprelude-python | | Python bindings to LibPrelude |
libpreludedb | | Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts |
libpreludedb-mysql | | Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts |
libpreludedb-perl | | Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts |
libpreludedb-pgsql | | Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts |
libpreludedb-python | | Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts |
libpreludedb-sqlite3 | | Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts |
libpwquality | | Library for generating random passwords and quality checking |
libressl | | Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools |
libretls | | Port of libtls for OpenSSL |
libsecp256k1 | | Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1 |
libsecret | | GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API |
libsodium | | Library for build higher-level cryptographic tools |
libssh | | SSHv2+v1 protocol library |
libssh2 | | SSH2 protocol library |
libstark | | Library for succinct non-interactive zero knowledge proofs |
libtasn1 | | ASN.1 structure parser library |
libtcpa | | TCPA libraries and test programs from IBM |
libtomcrypt | | Tom St Denis's cryptographic library |
libykneomgr | | Yubikey NEO C library and command-line tool |
libyubikey | | Yubikey library |
log2timeline | | Framework for automatic creation of a super timeline |
logcheck | | Auditing tool for system logs on Unix boxes |
lsh | | SSH2 client/server |
lua-arc4random | | Lua wrapper for arc4random(3) |